I know I am a day late, but our P-day got changed to Tuesday
because of transfers yesterday and because all the libraries were closed.
I got transferred! Sister Freitas and I were really shocked,
we thought she would leave because she had been there a lot longer than I. I am
now in the City Sisters area. We are literally in the heart of Adelaide. We
live right outside of downtown and bike into the City everyday and contact all
around the city (downtown). I am really excited because this area is really
fast paced, complete contrast from Murray Bridge. We don't have a car, only
bikes. My new companion is Sister Taufa. Her background is Tongan (my third
Tongan companion!), but she lives in Sydney, born in New Zealand. She is really
cool. We have gone on trade offs before. We share a flat with another set of
Sisters which I have never done before, it will be interesting. 4 Sisters.
1 shower. We will see how it goes. I am excited to be in the City and
see what this new chapter brings to my missionary story.
Saying goodbye, feeling pale, love my gift |
This past week has been good. It was pretty slow because
people were busy for Easter and also I was sick again. Easter was great. We
went to church and I told the hummingbird story off by heart to the Relief
Society Sisters which is about the atonement and it makes you cry. We also
went to one of our Catholic friends baby baptism lunch, everyone there was
Philippine, I felt very white. We had dinner with the Ete family. When I found
out that I was being transferred we went back there and they gave me a special
Lava Lava which is a traditional Samoan skirt that they all wear. I will miss
Murray Bridge. I sent some pictures of me with the people I had the opportunity
to say goodbye too. I only had an hour to run around and say ta ta.
How can I say goodbye these adorable kids? |
Yesterday we switched companions and got straight to work. I
almost died. THE HILLS in the City are massive. I will definitely get whipped
into shape in this area. We ran around like crazy appointment to appointment.
It was awesome. I love being busy, the City is all hustle and bustle. Most of
the investigators are Chinese as well because we have heaps of Chinese in
My new companion Sister Taufa |
I hope everyone had a great Easter and took the time to
remember Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that He made for all of us. I am so
grateful for my Saviour. I know that He died for me and through Him I can
be redeemed from my sins and downfalls. I feel so blessed to have this knowledge
and to have Him in my life. I love to share His word and help others feel His
love in theirs lives as well. God is great and His love is great.
Love you all!
Sister Coultrup
Sister Bethany Victoria Coultrup
Australia Adelaide Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints