G'day Howyagoing?
So it has been a good couple of days.
We have done mainly a lot of contacting and door knocking.
Yesterday evening we spent hours in our suburbs which we haven't done because
we are always in the city. We door knocked into this guy and he said:
"Sorry I am watching a movie."
"Oh cool, what movie?" I asked.
"Star Wars."
"I love Star Wars, I am so jealous!"
"Yeah, maybe I should believe in Jedi's instead of
Jesus." *Door slams*
supplies |
We also were walking down the street in the city contacting
and some high school girls that have obviously seen the Book of Mormon musical
started singing one of the songs, "Yes I believe in God the
Father..." as loud as they could to bother us and get our attention. The
mission is definitely teaching me patience and humility. Sister Taufa is really
funny because she gets frustrated and when we approach people and they just
say, "NO" and nothing else. She says, "No to what? Be specific.
What are you saying no to?" I have to turn away and try not to laugh.
For good news our investigator Candy is really set on her
baptism. She was telling everyone at Stake Conference yesterday that she will
be baptized in two weeks. We are so excited for her.
On Wednesday this week Sister Taufa and I will be giving a
training in district meeting. We prayed a lot about it in the temple and were
able to receive the same revelation. We received UNITY. So that is what we are
focusing on in our training. I am pretty nervous because I haven't given a
training before and it is also infront of 3 of the Assistants and the Zone
Leaders as well. But I FEAR NO MAN!
You're a Mormon aren't you? |
We also attended a baptism for the Sisters that live in the
same flat as us. Their investigator got baptized and we got to go and bring
some of our investigators. It was beautiful, as baptisms always are. Their
investigator bore her testimony and told her journey. She is in her 50s and
talks about how she remembers the missionaries coming over to their house once
in the 70s and saying a prayer. She said she remembers how that prayer
"really worked" and she has never forgotten it. It confirmed to me
that the work I am doing now will continue to impact many generations down the
line and continue on for years. Even if people may not be jumping into the
waters now, so to say, they may be touched and will enter in by the way later
I am so grateful for this blessing of serving my savior with
all that I have and all that I am. I am grateful for missionaries as well
because if it wasn't for them I would not be here today.
Lots of love,
Sister Coultrup
Sister Bethany Victoria Coultrup
Australia Adelaide Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints