What an eventful week and a half! I am emailing on Thursday
because we went to the Temple as a City Zone today! Hurrah! It was amazing as
per usual.
Temple Trip! |
So, last week we went to the Murray Bride Show! Never
thought I would go back there. It was crazy to think that is where I was at the
beginning of this year. We took the PVC to the show, we were set up in a little
barn sort of thing, lots of other booths with people selling things and there
was one other church booth. Outside there was a stage with a band playing and
lots of food trucks and rides and games and things. It was pretty cool. It
spanned over two days so we stayed with the MB Sisters over night. We were able
to talk to many people and have a miracle!
Don't know if you remember that last week I met someone in the City from
Calgary who is actually our neighbour? WELL. I met him and his family AGAIN! In
Murray Bridge! He remembered me and we were able to show his family some Mormon
messages and we gave him a Book of Mormon in his language and he took all the
pamphlets and requested the Elders come and visit them while they are still in
Adelaide. And we also got the details for missionaries back in Canada to visit
them too! How cool is that? So not a coincidence!
Also this past weekend we started ESL class. Sister Townsend
and I are in charge of it, we teach and organize the lessons. We had the first
one last Saturday. It was pretty good for the first lesson and this Tuesday we
had even more people show up, so that is good that it is growing! I don't
really know what I am doing... But I am trying my best, thinking of when I took
English in school and how we can use that in the classes. It is really fun
though. We play some English games and practice speaking to each other and
always have a vocab part of the class too. We teach ESL in the City Teaching
Just the Sisters |
Quick funny moment on Sunday.. So I think I have mentioned
before we are teaching a deaf lady. So she comes to church every Sunday and we
interpret for her. (I have gotten a lot better at Auslan - Australian Sign
Language) One of the assistants (we serve in the same ward as the AP's) asked
me: "How do you say hello in sign language?" Then I just waved at
him. LOL! It was so funny, Sister T and I laugh about it.
Also on Sunday our investigator Niki had her baptism
interview! She is really amazing, our district leader said she is an angel and
such a blessing. We have only been teaching her for one month. She is so
prepared. This weekend she will be baptized :)
So yesterday we went on trade offs and it was the most
adventurous trade offs I have EVER gone on! We received a text in the morning
that apparently there was a massive storm coming in and that we will proselyte
as normal until we are notified to return back to the flat. It was (and still
is going on) the worst storm in 50 years! So Sister Collins and I were in the
City contacting all morning and by afternoon, soaked to the bone. It was so insanely
windy as well, everyone was saying it was a cyclone. At around 3pm we were
right next to Rundle Mall on King William St and then all of a sudden ALL of
the lights went out along the streets. People were screaming! It was like the
apocalypse! Lol. We then found out that it wasn't just along the street, but
the WHOLE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA was without power! Everyone then started filtering
out of their office buildings and trying to catch the buses because all the
trains and trams were down. I have never seen the City so busy and in such a
panic. All in the mean time everyone is getting pelted with rain.
We still tried to contact even in the midst of this
apocalypse. I said to one lady, "We share a special message
about how the Church that Jesus Christ had when he was on the Earth has been
restored today!" She looked at me frightened and said, "TODAY? LIKE
TODAY? IS THAT WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT?!" She gestured to the sky and
everything and I was like, "Oh nooo I meant in modern day times!" All
the power was completely out throughout the state until 4am this morning. Our
phone also was not working, we could not send or receive anything. Apparently
there was a mission wide text sent out at 7pm telling everyone to get to their
flats immediately but we did not get it! And everyone was panicking thinking we
were in trouble, but nope, we were just still out trying to work! Then finally
the APs got a hold of us and they were like, "Oh finally!!!" all
relieved and such and we got home about 8:30pm. The storm is still going on
right now, you cannot see the sky everything is just a gray-white.
Back in Murray Bridge my old area |
We did have a miracle in the storm! Our last contact before
we headed into the suburbs was a lady holding an umbrella. She graciously
offered cover from the storm to us and held her umbrella out so we could all
fit. She realized who we were and asked us what our take was on why bad things
happen to good people. We were able to testify of God's plan for us, how trials
make us stronger and how we have a way to overcome these things through Jesus
Christ. She said it was "crazy" that we were talking to her because
she has been thinking about this all day because something really terrible
happened to her just the day before. We had a great contact and taught about
faith in the Lord and his timing. We were able to get her contact information
and she wants to see the teaching space!
So many things happened! I hope everyone has a great week
and I also hope no apocalyspe storms happen up in the great white north!
Love you all!
Sister Coultrup
Sister Bethany Victoria Coultrup
Australia Adelaide Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints