Monday, 21 November 2016

Kangaroo Steak


This week it has started to get really hot. It was 38 degrees yesterday. I forgot what it was like. It is like when you open the oven and you get a massive wave of intense heat, except it is constant and I just walk around the city in awe thinking how on earth people can actually live in this heat.

On Thursday we had a Relief Society Christmas dinner. It was lovely but I was so confused as to why they did it half way through November. We have so much time left until Christmas! We had our Recent Converts come, like Tanya, and a less active lady who hasn't attended any church thing in 10 years!!! That was a miracle. She has never come to anything we have invited her to before.

Christmas dinner
Also this week we were able to take Niki to do temple baptisms for the first time! And it was really special because Summer and Dana came too! Also Summer's friend from Melbourne, who is in the Chinese Branch there, came. It was so special! We took a lot of pictures because all the Chinese are going back to China for Spring Festival. And so we wouldn't really see each other again. It has been amazing to see Niki and Dana grow into the faithful woman they are. Today we had Dana join us in a lesson with a new investigator and Dana was amazing! Testifying all over the place and encouraging to pray because she "KNOWS" it will help. It was wonderful. 

This weekend Sister Townsend and I went to the Modbury Stake Conference with the PVC's. That was cool, also I got to meet a new Sister from Thailand who knows Sister Remington. So we took a picture together! 

Temple baptisms
My companion and I wanted to be adventurous and actually had a dinner time at home for once, so we made... Kangaroo Steak! My first time having Kangaroo! It was nice. I had imagined it would have a magical kangaroo taste, whatever that would taste like I don't know. It just tasted like normal steak. 

Anyways, that is all for now.

Heaps of love,

Sister Coultrup

Kangaroo Steak

Sister Bethany Victoria Coultrup
Australia Adelaide Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I just love doing the PVC

New sister from Thailand

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